Guest Post Guidelines

Writers on the Move accepts guest posts. Guest posting has been around a while, but it's now one of marketing's heavy hitters. Spread your wings and guest with us.

Acceptable articles will be on writing, book marketing, and author interviews. The content should be "G" rated and MUST be your own content.

The Article Particulars:

1. Article length should be between 400 and 800 words.
2. Please be sure to edit and proof before submitting.
3. Please be sure the article is properly formatted.
4. Please include an optimized title - this means include a relevant keyword for your topic. If you're not familiar with keywords, I may edit the title to make it more effective.

What to include in your submission:

1.    Please include TAG words - at least three.
2.    Please include a brief bio, which may include one self-serving link to a legitimate, reputable, and 'G' rated site you own.
3.    Please include the FULL URL for the links you want included. Include it in parenthesis, right after the word/s you want linked. If the full URL is not included, the word/s will not be linked.

What not to do:

1.    Do not include links to other 'writing services' or 3rd party sites.
2.    Do not embed links, the formatting is lost when posted onto Blogger from Notepad.
3.   Do not include more than two (2) outbound links within the body of the article. The links must not be within the first 200 words. Please don't put more than ONE link in a paragraph. And, the links need to be of benefit to the reader and relevant to the topic.
4. The URLs to those links will most often be referenced at the bottom of the post.

Your Bio:

Please keep your bio short and sweet - under or at 100 words will work. You can include one link to your website or other landing page, so make it count. And, you can include up to two social media links. No third-party links allowed.

Original content is preferred, but first-time reprints are accepted.
Note: According to Google, you should include the original article source for all reprints.

We reserve the right to refuse an article or edit one that is accepted.

If you’re interested in guest blogging please send an email to Karen at: kcioffiventrice - at - gmail - dot - com

Be sure to put “WOTM Guest Post” in the Subject Box.

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