How to Overcome Writer’s Block

First, let me say that I don’t believe in writer’s block. It’s my belief that block for a writer comes from a lack of preparation and a clear concept of their project.

Writers need to prepare before they begin writing to avoid writer’s block at some point in their project.

If writer’s block does occur, walk away and do something like more research, have a conversation with your characters, read a book, or even take a work to clear the cobwebs from your brain.

I have written step-by-step procedural technical writing, How-Tos, short stories, Web content, created and facilitated writing courses at an online site for writers, also created a writer’s workshop, created an online critique group, and more. I also have two blogs about writing, and blog for children and about animals on another of my four blogs, and post book reviews on a blog.

As writers, we write about what it is we feel passion about. If a writer doesn’t have passion for their project, why are they writing it? Writers need to have a clear idea of what and why they want to write a particular project.

I believe that a quote by Mark Twain, which says, "The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say." is something that writers need to consider. I use this quote as part of my e-mail signature. It speaks volumes to me.

If writers wait for the muse to visit them, they will be waiting a long time.

Whether novice or seasoned writer, have your research completed, get the words down, than edit it or have someone you trust edit it.

The bottom line is proper research and concept before you begin writing to avoid writer’s block.


T. Forehand said...

Thanks for the tips, we all get writers block in some form or another. Mine is usually because it is project I feel pressured to work on. And my inner critic steps in with the negativity thing which then blocks my words. Researching and for me, outlining, helps me to know what to write when I sit down.

Magdalena Ball said...

Thanks for the tips, Robert. I find that writers' block is often your own mind playing tricks on you - maybe it's fear of what you're exploring, or a tricky spot in your work. The best way to get through it is of course to write through that critical voice - just sit down and get on with the work pushing aside evaluation and judgement until later.

Donna McDine said...

Robert, great post and tips. I full heartedly agree that writer's must write what they are passionate about. If not I believe the creativity does not flow naturally.

Kathleen Moulton said...

I've had seasons of writer's block. When I look back, it's been because my mind has been on other things...concerns or worries. But that was before I became organized and in a routine.

Thanks for the tips!


Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Great post Robert. I too think writing about what you are passionate about helps avoid writers block. I also think sometimes you just need to give a piece of writing some space when you are feel stuck. Put it down for a few weeks and return to it when you are feeling inspired.

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