PUTTING WORDS DOWN ON PAPER: Random Act Of Kindness - Elysabeth Eldering

I'm featured on Susanne Drazic's blog as part of the Random Act Of Kindness blitz.  This was totally unexpected and very much appreciated - Thanks many times over, Susanne.  Stop by and see what the buzz is all about - E :)

PUTTING WORDS DOWN ON PAPER: Random Act Of Kindness - Elysabeth Eldering: Elysabeth Eldering is one of two people that I chose to honor for the Random Act Of Kindness BLITZ!  If you didn't get a chance to see the ...


Magdalena Ball said...

Nice profile Elysabeth - congrats.

Faye Tollison said...

You are such a sweet person, Elysabeth, always remembering others. Thanks for reminding us to do the same.

Faye Tollison

Anne Duguid Knol said...

This was lovely. l read it and was delighted for you Elysabeth and Karen both.

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