Online Marketing - Commenting on Blogs is an Effective Marketing Strategy

Contributed by Karen Cioffi

You may be an author or writer who takes the time to comment on other websites. This is an effective online marketing strategy. It builds bridges to other blogging neighborhoods, it forms connections, and it helps increase your visibility.

But, after using this strategy for a short while, what if you don’t seem to see any difference in the traffic to your site or the comments on your posts?

Should you continue commenting on blogs?

YES, absolutely. Commenting on blogs is still an effective marketing strategy, in fact, even more so than before. Getting a ‘post conversation’ going and sharing content is high on Google’s list of what bloggers and marketers should be doing. Today, it’s all about creating optimized content that readers find valuable enough to share to their social networks.

Knowing the effectiveness of this marketing tool, I try to use it as often as I can. And, recently I left a blog post comment on a high-traffic, high-quality site. When I comment on a site, time allowing, I usually browse the other comments. On this particular blog CommentLuv is used and one of the post comments in particular seemed to be informative, so I clicked on the author’s latest post link. Doing this, it brought me to a site with great content and I actually tried to subscribe to the email post feed. Unfortunately, it seems the feed wasn’t enabled, even though the site owner had the opt-in for it. But, that’s another story.

Commenting on sites that offer the commenter’s last post link  is an excellent way to broaden your reach and easily bring visitors back to your site. Just like I clicked on that commenter’s link, based on an effective post title, the same can happen to you. 

CommentLuv is a commenting system plugin for WordPress. Simply click on ‘Plugins’ in your WordPress dashboard, go to ‘Add New,’ search for the plugin, and install and activate it. That’s it.

This is a WordPress plugin; I'm not sure if it can be used on Blogger.  When this post was originally written, it could be. But 10 years later, I couldn't find any information on it.

Hopefully, Blogger will add CommentLuv to its gadgets to make blogging with a blogger site more effective.

In addition to the obvious benefits of commenting, such as broadening your marketing reach and making connections, the activity you create online is picked up by search engines. This includes comments.

Make commenting on blogs an important element of your online marketing strategy.


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P.S. To keep up with writing and marketing information, along with Free webinars, join us in The Writing World (top right top sidebar).

Karen Cioffi, Children's Ghostwriter, Rewrite, Coach, and Author Online Platform Instructor




Magdalena Ball said...

Great tip Karen (and how could I not comment on it!). I'm going over right now to add CommentLuv to my (blogger) blog.

Karen Cioffi said...

Good for you Maggie. I haven't done it here yet. Let me know how it goes! :)

T. Forehand said...

Great tips, so often an overlooked way to connect and market. Thanks.

Karen Cioffi said...

Terri, glad you found the post helpful!

MaryJohn said...

good one

Karen Cioffi said...

Thanks, Mary-John!

Anonymous said...

Thanks...great post.

Karen Cioffi said...

Thanks for stopping by Pressman Digital. Glad you liked the post!

Shirley Corder said...

Karen, I am commenting on this almost two years late! I am frustrated by the lack of comments on my blog posts recently, compared to the past, and I'm trying to figure our what I need to change. Then I came across this post of yours, with over 3,000 hits - phenomenal - yet only 8 comments (4 of which are your responses). I don't get it. Perhaps we need to do a few posts looking into this and encouraging people to comment. They don't have to be long comments, like this one, but just a short comment helps the writer to know she's connecting!

Karen Cioffi said...

Shirl, I hear you. It can get a bit discouraging, but keep in mind that while commenting is an SEO factor, so is social engagement.

It's important to work your social networks to bring traffic to your site, even it that traffic doesn't comment.

I do think it's a good idea to bring attention to this by writing a couple of posts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing information ... most of the people even not heard about comment luv. I am not using comment luv in my blog currently, but for sure will apply it soon.

Manju rai working as a digital marketer in Delhi school of internet marketing, Digital marketing course provider:

Karen Cioffi said...

Manju, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you found the information on Comment Luv useful. I wish it was available for

Peter Floyd said...

Lovely post

Karen Cioffi said...

Thank you, Ratul. Glad you liked it!

Designing style said...

Extraordinary tip Karen (and how might I be able to not remark on it!). I'm going over right presently to add CommentLuv to my (blogger) blog.

Olivia Jackson said...

Good one! Commenting is a good way to interact with the market. It also helps people to build confidence

Karen Cioffi said...

Interesting, Olivia, never thought of the building confidence factor. Thanks for stopping by.

eBomnegocio said...

What you say is true, I adopted the strategy of backlinks and daily I make 5 comments on blogs and when we start this process we are not 100% sure that it will work because many authors do not accept comments.
Thank you for clarifying us on blog comments and the methods applied.

Karen Cioffi said...

20Four7va, it's not that comments should be a specific goal for businesses, but if you're going to comment on a site, it's a plus if your last blog post is listed with the comment.

Unknown said...

Thankyou for the tips! Really helpful.

Karen Cioffi said...

You're welcome, Unknown.

peter said...

karen great work

Karen Cioffi said...

Thanks, Peter. I hope it was helpful.

Gwyneth Davey said...

Great tip Karen (and how could I not comment on it!). I'm going over right now to add CommentLuv to my (blogger) blog.

Karen Cioffi said...

Glad it was helpful, Gwyneth. Thanks for stopping by!

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