Create Visibility Before Getting Published

The road to publication can be long and winding...and filled with rejection. So, what do you do while you’re submitting your manuscript and waiting patiently? Okay, maybe not patiently, but waiting nonetheless.

That’s easy. And, it’s very important. You begin creating visibility.

I don’t mean standing on the street corner singing at the top of your lungs, I mean creating an online presence that depicts who and what you are. In other words, you need to create your platform.

As founder and editor of Writers on the Move, I meet a number of writers who are reluctant to begin promoting themselves because they haven’t landed a publisher yet. Or, they’re still learning the craft. This mentality won’t cut it today. You need to begin that visibility.

First step in your platform journey is to create a blog. Obviously, you will want to create your platform right from the beginning by posting to your blog with content that is in the genre you are writing.

But wait a minute, let me backtrack. For those who aren’t sure what a platform is, it is a means to let readers know what your area of expertise is. Yes, I know, you might be shaking your head and thinking that you don’t have an area of expertise, but this is how you create it.

The next step (step two) in your journey is to create your platform and online visibility. Learn your craft and as your learning, write about what you learn. In other words, if your book is about cooking, blog about cooking – you will be creating your area of expertise.

The third step - once you feel comfortable adding content to your blog, start writing articles and submitting them to ezines and querying about guest posts. Again, keep them focused on the area of expertise you are trying to create. You may not get paid for them, but they will establish an online presence. And, if your articles are beneficial or interesting to others, it will bring traffic to your site.

The publishing and marketing industry has changed. In today’s writing market publishing houses, big and small, expect you to:

1. Have and online presence (website or blog)
2. Have a platform
3. Have a following
4. Have the potential to increase that following
5. Have a marketing strategy
6. Be able to sell your book

Selling books today is a joint effort between the publishing house and the author. And, if you’re venturing into the self-publishing arena, promoting yourself is even more important. Don’t procrastinate. Start creating your online presence and platform today.

Karen Cioffi is a content marketing instructor for WOW! Women on Writing and Working Writers Club. She is also an author, editor, and ghostwriter.

If you'd like help building and maintaining your author/writer platform, check out:

Give Your Author/Writer Business a Boost with Inbound Marketing
Basic Website Optimization, Blogging Smart, Email Marketing, and Social Media Marketing


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Linda Wilson said...

This is a great post for me. Soon, soon, soon I will be ready to go to market! Thanks, Karen, for all the help.

Karen Cioffi said...

Hey, Linda. Not a moment too soon! You're a great writer!

Linda Wilson said...

Thanks, Karen! Your vote of confidence is very reassuring.

Melinda Brasher said...

I also find that participating in other authors' blog tours and such helps bring visitors to my site.

Karen Cioffi said...

Melinda, so true. Visiting other 'neighborhoods' can work wonders!

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