Showing posts with label survey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label survey. Show all posts

What Online Marketing Terms Do You Want to Know About?

I'm writing a report on some of the basic online marketing terms and came up with 22 so far.

 I'd like to know if you have any terms that you're not quite sure about - that you'd like to know what they mean.

If you do, please put them in the comments below.

I'll reply to the comments with the explanations and if I don't already have a term in my report, I'll add it.

I guess this is a blog post survey.

Some of the ones I already have are:

  • SEO
  • SERP
  • Anchor text
  • Deep linking
  • Backlinks
  • Landing pages
  • Lead generation
  • Conversion
  • Search engine ranking

I'd sure appreciate your input!


Active vs. Passive Writing: Energize Your Prose!

 by Suzanne Lieurance Ever feel like your stories and articles are a bit slow-paced and wordy?   If so, that’s probably because you’re using...