New Business Logo Design for A Writer's World Ezine

Creating a business logo design for your writing, especially if you offer services or products is an essential part of marketing.

Taking this into account and listening to my writing coach, I've been working on creating a focused platform for my writing and writing services and I think I finally came up with something.

Above is the new logo for The Writing World newsletter.

I've done a poll on the logo design, you can check it out HERE, but after getting emailed feedback, I decided on a more unique logo.

Now I know I'm taking a risk with the 'old world' feel of this design, but once anyone reads my posts or other content, they will quickly realize my writing is current, informative, and professional.

While you do need acquire and analyze input from others when deciding on a logo, unless you can hire a professional you'll have to go with your gut for the overall design. And, remember, you can't please everyone. Some people will 'get' what you're conveying and others won't. That's the nature of things.

Also, when promoting your newsletter, or now some marketers are calling it an ezine, you need to have a FOCUSED landing page for the opt-in.

What? Why?

Simple, today's readers are usually scanning what they read and looking for more information. This will likely have them scanning your site, if the information they read is valuable, for other articles or offers. THIS IS DISTRACTING.

If a reader lands on a page that ONLY tells them WHY they should OPT-IN to your ezine or newsletter, and your copy is effective, they will be focused and be much more likely to SIGN-UP.

You can check out my new OPT-IN page at The Writing World Newsletter
(In regard to the url for the site, I tried to get the domain name, but it was taken.)

Another tip for promoting your ezine is to always offer something of value - a free gift. The gift should relate to what your site is about and be something the reader can use.

That's about it, except I'd love your feedback on the new logo. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.

Oh, if you haven't signed-up yet, PLEASE DO! Want to know why you should? Check out
The Writing World.

If you have the inclination to sign-up NOW, there's an opt-in on the sidebar, right on top!


Visit Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing for more writing and marketing information.

For more on logos, check out:
Logos for Writers



widdershins said...

Good for you for going with your intuition.

It's a beautiful image. I hope it does the trick.

Karen Cioffi said...

Thank so much Widdershins - ME TOO! :)

Anonymous said...

Karen, the logo is beautiful.

Magdalena Ball said...

What a gorgeous logo, Karen. Very powerful. You're a real whiz. I'm absolutely signed up for A Writer's World.

Donna McDine said...

Hi Karen,

Great logo! It's very eye catching!

All the best,

Karen Cioffi said...

Susanne, Thanks! I'm so glad you like it.

Maggie, It can be so difficult to choose between images and design. I'm glad this one is connecting. Thanks so much.

Donna, Thanks for your input. Eye catching was part of what I was going for.

Shirley Corder said...

Love the logo Karen! Thanks for your points re our landing pages. Mine tell them HOW to sign up but not WHY they should! Will have to sort that out.

Karen Cioffi said...

Shirl, Thanks! Glad you found it helpful!

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I really like the logo. I think it's really important to listen to your gut. Everyone has an opinion and it can inform your decision, but it the end it's important to trust your own intuition.

Heidiwriter said...

Love it!

T. Forehand said...

Love it, I think this is just what you needed to make it big.

Karen Cioffi said...

Mary Jo, you're so right that in the end you need to make the decision. Thanks!

Heidi, Thanks!

Terri, At the very least, it will be an instant reflection of me and the ezine. Thanks!

Anne Duguid Knol said...

l love this--it has real authority as well as being a beautiful image. Super.

Karen Cioffi said...
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Karen Cioffi said...

Hi, Lewis, Thanks for stopping by. Glad you like the logo.

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