How to get more people to notice your Facebook page

Today, I have the pleasure of featuring Jo Linsdell and her new rhyming children's picture book OUT AND ABOUT AT THE ZOO.

But, first Jo has some great information on using Facebook.

How to get more people to notice your Facebook page

By Jo Linsdell

Facebook is one of the giants of social media and as such is the perfect place to reach out to your readers and build a following.

First you need to decide on the type of Facebook fan page you want and set it up. Once that's done you need people to notice it.

Creating a large and active community for your Facebook page isn't an easy task and usually takes quite a while to build. Here's a few tips to get people to notice your page:

•    Personalise your page for a professional look. Add a Timeline cover image, make sure your description is filled out in the 'About' box and add page tabs with personalised images.

•    Post everyday if you can. This has recently been made easier by the introduction of scheduled posts which allow you to plan status updates in advance.

•    Post content that is likely to go viral. The more people share your posts the more people will find out about your page. Images are content gold! Post some pictures for high impact. Quotes tend to go down well too. Just make sure you stay on topic. All content must be relevant to the page.

•    Share the page link everywhere you can. Post it to your website and other social media profiles encouraging people to drop by.

•    Interlink your social media profiles. If you have a blog, set it to automatically post to your page and then link your page to your twitter account so it posts there too. If your twitter account is also feed to other networks like LinkedIn, Myspace etc... each one then feeds back to the others helping increase traffic. This one thing saves loads of time as you just need to update your blog for it to post to all your accounts.

•    Use the' invite' feature to let your contacts know about your page and ask for a like.

•    Interact with people on your page. Encourage them to post to your wall and ask questions.

•    Highlight a fan of the week to show appreciation to active page users. There are application you can use that will automatically select a frequent user at the same time each week or you can just pick one yourself from those that have posted, shared, liked and commented during the week.

Obviously you want to let your followers know about your books but instead of going in for the hard sell, post about things related to your book. Share recent guest posts you've done and articles you've written or links to interviews. They want to know more about you and what you do not just see a spammy 2buy my book message".

How are you getting people to notice your Facebook Page?


Now onto Jo's new book, which she wrote and illustrated. We'll start with the details:

Title: Out and About at the Zoo
Author and Illustrator: Jo Linsdell
ISBN/EAN 13: 1477446591 / 9781477446591
Page Count: 32

And, here are two wonderful 5 Star reviews:

Its all Happening at the Zoo!

I review many books. When I see a children's picture book, I tend to savour the artistic way the writer and the artist tend to mesh. Sometimes it’s the blending that makes a simple child's book something really worth reading.

Out and About at the Zoo is a combination of the artist and the writer being the same person Jo Linsdell. She crafted a very cute and adorable children's volume. This simple children's book with bright colors of animals from the zoo is crisp in it poetic delivery. The art sparkles in its simple characters of the zoo animals.

Ms Linsdell seems to know her target audience and gives them a bright a images for them to enjoy. These young children will delight in this books rhythms that come from its verses and art. It is a good book to give for those young and young at heart".

By Bennet Pomerantz


This is a fun, short book for the grandkids! If you love reading to your children or grandchildren, this book will become a family favorite quite fast. The simple wording and bright interaction of characters makes it easy for very young readers and exciting for toddlers still listening.

Jo puts some serious thought into toddler reactions and includes those in the book. My favorite part was the last page, because my toddlers decided immediately that we needed to take a trip to the Denver Zoo. "Yay!!! I get to see the elephants!" (Okay, that part was ME not them. But they get to go too.)"

By Jan Verhoeff


You can get your copy of Out and About at the Zoo at: Amazon.

About the author:

Jo Linsdell is a freelance writer, author and illustrator. Originallyfr om the UK, she now lives in Rome, Italy with her husband and their two young sons.

Jo's website:

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Karen Cioffi
Multi-award Winning Author, Freelance/Ghostwriter, Editor, Marketer
Writer’s Digest Website of the Week, June 25, 2012


Jo Linsdell said...

Thanks for hosting me today and if anyone has any questions about using Facebook or about my book I'd love to hear from you.

Aileen said...

This is a fabulous post, Jo. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

Margaret Fieland said...

Jo, thanks for the informative and timely post. MuseItUp Publishing has just release "Relocated," and you've convinced me I need to setup a fan page

M, groaning as she add this item to her still long to-do list.

Heidiwriter said...

Great tips! It's hard to keep up with all the social media things these days.

Donna McDine said...

Instrumental tips, thanks! Great reviews. Congratulations on your success and best wishes!

Karen Cioffi said...

Jo, It's our pleasure to feature you on Writers on the Move. Sorry, I'm late, had two doctor appts today.

Thanks for the great tips.

Magdalena Ball said...

Great tips Jo. I really like the idea of having a fan of the week - I've just done a search and the app is here: Going now to set it up!

Jo Linsdell said...

Thanks Aileen. Glad you liked it :)

Jo Linsdell said...

Congrats on your new release Margaret! Are you thinking of doing a fan page for you 'the author', so you can use it to promote all your projects, or are you thinking about doing a book specific page? or both?

Jo Linsdell said...

Thanks Heidi. I know what you mean. Social media is constantly evolving and new platforms are being launched all the time. I think the tick to using them successfully is to find the one (or few) that work best for you and best suit your needs. You can always add others later on as your network beings to grow.

Jo Linsdell said...

Thanks Donna. I'm really pleased with how things are going so far. The book has already collected a huge number of 5 star reviews and has made it to #6 in the stories in verse category on Amazon :)

Jo Linsdell said...

Thanks Karen. It's always nice to be able to drop by and spend some time with you all :)

Jo Linsdell said...

It's a great app and an excellent way to show your followers that you appreciate them and encourages them to be active on your page.

One of the most important things to remember about your page is to make it for your readers as opposed to about you. Your content needs to be geared towards giving them value and a reason to follow you. It's not just a place to be me, me, me. Having a fan of the week is just one way to make your page more reader friendly and put the emphasis on them instead of you.

Shirley Corder said...

Jo, thanks so much for your suggestions. I love the idea of the fan of the week. Magdalena, thanks for doing my homework! I've set up the app. Now to wait for something to happen. :-)

Jo Linsdell said...

Thanks for dropping by Shirley. Fan of the week is a great way of giving back to your fans.

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