Article Marketing – Publishing and Optimizing a Blog Post Using Blogger

Writers on the Move's next FREE webinar will be Friday, February 15th at 4PM EST.

Article Marketing – Publishing and Optimizing a Blog Post Using Blogger

Blogging is an essential part of creating and increasing your visibility. It helps put you on the internet’s radar. And, part of blogging is to create engaging, informative, and optimized content in the form of blog posts.

But, simply throwing up a blog post doesn’t ensure the search engine spiders will find and categorize your content. There’s more that has to be done to create search engine optimized content.

That’s what this free screen-sharing webinar is all about.

During the webinar I’ll post an article to the Writers on the Move’s blogsite and tweak it for search engine optimization – all in real time!

And, I’ll show how to find and implement SHARE buttons on Blogger.

While this webinar is focused on Blogger posts, much of the optimization is applicable to WordPress and other services.

So, if you want to make your blog posts more effective and get more ‘bang’ for your online marketing efforts, register today!

To register just click on the link below and fill out the form.

For full details, click on our Workshop Page.

The things we Mom's do. The last webinar I gave, one for the WOW! Women on Writing e-class I'm currently conducting, my daughter's dog was barking and no one was home to take care of her. It was distracting to say the least. So, this time I made my daughter aware of the day and time. She's promised to take the dog out for a while. For those who don't know, my daughter lost her apartment in storm Sandy and she and her dog have been living with me. My daughter's taken over the spare bedroom and her dog has taken over the living room recliner. :)

What's kind of funny is right before Sandy I bought a brand new recumbent bike. Since the storm I haven't been able to get to it - it's in the spare bedroom buried behind and under my daughter's belongings!

Hope to see you at the webinar!

To keep up with writing and marketing information, along with Free webinars, join us in The Writing World (top right top sidebar).

Karen Cioffi
Award-Winning Author, Freelance/Ghostwriter
Author Online Presence Instructor

Create and Build Your Author Online Presence
Karen Cioffi Professional Writing Services



Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Sorry to hear about your daughter. I don't have as good of an excuse as to why I'm not exercising.

Karen Cioffi said...

LOL Yeah, it's a pretty good excuse, but still doesn't cut it! I absolutely, positively have to get into a doable exercise regime. It does a body good! :)

Karen Cioffi said...

THIS IS SO CRAZY. The February posts have hyperlinks to products. I'm not sure how on earth this is happening, but I'm really angry over it.

Is this a new consequence of using a FREE blogging service? One or two of them say "shopping sidekick plugin," but I haven't opted for any marketing plugins.

Does anyone know how I can stop it?

Does anyone else find them when you visit this blogsite?

Karen Cioffi said...

I did a bit of research and I think it's coming from Google Adsense in Gadgets. Somehow it was in my gadgets - I removed it and hope this takes care of the problem.

Please let me know if you see any keyword hyperlinks to random products or services in our posts.


Magdalena Ball said...

What a great topic for a webinar - I'll look forward to it. I've done webinars with crowing roosters but never barking dogs!

Karen Cioffi said...

Maggie, I would think crowing roosters is just as bad! :) Although this dog is a cocker spaniel and has a high pitch bark that feels like it's piercing your ears. I keep telling her to bark low - if only she understood me. :)

Anne Duguid Knol said...

Looking forward to the recording of the webinar with or without doggy accompaniment--seems AnyMeeting just hates my new ISP wireless connections
The Google share button keeps running off with me too--the popup box does not stay visible long enough to type a message.
I know I'm slow but....

Karen Cioffi said...

Annie, just be sure to register in order to get the replay. And, I hear you about the internet quirks. I've spent way too much time the last two days trying to get unwanted ad and spyware plugins off of my FireFox browser.

Unknown said...

I love your webinars and am looking forward to this one. Thanks for doing them.

Shirley Corder said...

Karen, I would love to do this, but I have the usual problem. It's in the middle of the night for me. Are you perhaps recording it?

Karen Cioffi said...

Shirley, just register and you'll be on the list for the replay.

Shirley Corder said...

YEAH! Thank you.

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