Write on Your Summer Vacation

Summer is almost here and I have vacation on my mind. This trip is also my annual writing retreat. I chose the accommodations and I will have the freedom to roam about town.

Sitting around on park benches and hanging out at outdoor cafes allows me to people watch. There might be a ballgame or concert going on at the park. Maybe an artist will be painting a local scene.

I can visit museums and shop at stores. I might see an object that starts telling me a story. Maybe it’s an antique, something that was well loved by someone long ago. Perhaps it’s a piece of art or a photograph that speaks to me.

In the evening, when it’s cooler, I may go for a walk. I might see historic houses and wonder who used to live in them. Perhaps I will watch the birds move about, searching for food and flying back to their nests.

I may meet some interesting people. One year on vacation, I met a mystery writer. He was working on his latest creation at the inn where I was staying. On another trip, I was able to chat with a children’s author. She was selling her new book at a local festival.

When you plan your summer vacation, think of  it as an opportunity to be inspired, to write about what you see and do each day.

What plans are you making for this summer?

Whatever you decide to do, have fun and good luck with your writing!

Debbie A. Byrne has a B.S. in Mass Communication with a minor in History. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and is working on her first children’s book.


elysabeth said...

Excellent thoughts on writing during your vacation time. One of these days, that is my goal to actually take a vacation - lol but for now I just have to find the inspiration around my local area as there are no funds to even think about planning a vacation in the near future. Hopefully your retreat will turn out lots of ideas for you to work on - E :)

Elysabeth Eldering
FINALLY HOME (a Kelly Watson, YA, paranormal mystery)

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I like the idea of making any vacation a writer's retreat. I'll have to start planning.

Heidiwriter said...

If I take a vacation, it's also a vacation from writing usually! LOL

Shirley Corder said...

Any time we take a vacation, laptop comes too. In other words I never take a vacation from writing. Probably not a good thing.

Karen Cioffi said...

I just took a five day vacation from writing and the internet. Not willing, moving overload. But, the problem is there's way too much to catch up with.

Food for thought though on keeping your writing inspiration in mind when planning a vacation.

hpvanduuren said...

Just recently I actually (re-)wrote a blog post about Novel writing during a Vacation, it is titled: 'Why You Better Not Use Your Vacation To Start Writing a Novel',

That doesn't mean that the other surroundings on a vacation cannot be a great source of inspiration for doing some writing.

Karen Cioffi said...

HP, sounds like an interesting read!

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