Showing posts with label Aidana WillowRaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aidana WillowRaven. Show all posts

Walking Through Walls Receives CLC Silver Book Award


Here's the CLC's Press Release:

For Immediate Release
October 15, 2012
Literary Classics

Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Top Book Winners

SOUTH DAKOTA - Literary Classics announced its 2012 selection of top books for children and young adults today.  Award recipients were selected from entries received throughout the world.  The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children's and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.

A list of the 2012 recipients follows:

Best First Picture Book, PreSchool, A Box Story by Kenneth Kit Lamug
Best First Picture Book, Early Reader, Terple Always Dream Bigger by Richie Frieman
Best Illustrator, Bella & Harry, Let's Visit Athens, Illustrated by Kristine Lucco
Best Series, The Bella & Harry Book Series by Lisa Manzione
Best First Chapter Book, Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes by PHC Marchesi
Gold - Picture Book, Preschooler,  Fantastic Flight by Barbara Bockman
Silver - Picture Book, Preschooler, Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep by Kathy Stemke
Gold - Picture Book, Early Reader, Bella & Harry Let's Visit London by Lisa Manzione, Illustrated by Kristine Lucco
Silver - Picture Book, Early Reader, Bella & Harry Let's Visit Cairo by Lisa Manzione, Illustrated by Kristine Lucco
Gold - Educational, Early Reader, The Great Divide, Suzanne Slade
Silver - Educational, Early Reader, Animal Animalogies by Marianne Berkes
Gold - Environmental Issues, Early Reader, Sea Turtle Summer by Nancy Stewart
Silver - Environmental Issues, Early Reader, One Pelican at a Time by Nancy Stewart
Gold - Non Fiction Preteen, Clara's Great War by Evelyn Rothstein
Gold - General Preteen, the Casting by Joyce Shor Johnson
Silver - General Preteen, Return to Finkleton by KC Hilton
Gold - Fiction Preteen, the Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Silver - Fiction Preteen, Walking Through Walls by Karen Cioffi
Gold - Fantasy Preteen, Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes by PHC Marchesi
Silver - Fantasy Preteen, Shield Maiden by Richard Denning
Gold - Science Fiction Preteen, Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes by PHC Marchesi
Silver - Science Fiction - Preteen, The Crystal Ship by CJ Carter-Stephenson
Gold - Mystery Preteen, the Stone Child by Dan Poblocki
Gold - General Young Adult, Runaway Twins by Pete Palamountain
Silver - General Young Adult, Young, Funny & Unbalanced by David Smithyman
Gold - Fiction Young Adult, Caves, Cannons & Crinolines by Beverly Stowe McClure
Silver - Fiction Young Adult, Young Knights of the Round Table The King's Ransom by Cheryl Carpinello
Gold - Non-Fiction Young Adult, Black & White by Larry Dane Brimner
Gold - Fantasy Fiction Young Adult, Griffin Rising by Darby Karchut
Silver - Fantasy Fiction Young Adult, Drawn by Marie Lamba
Gold - Science Fiction Young Adult, the Limit by Kristen Landon
Silver - Science Fiction Young Adult, the Orphan Ship by Sterling R. Walker
Gold - Mystery Young Adult, Stalked by Kristiana Gregory
Cultural Issues, Clara's Great War by Evelyn Rothstein
Holiday, Santa & The Little Teddy Bear by Peter John Lucking
Self Esteem, Beautiful Wild Rose Girl by B. Magnolia
Female Audience, My Sister is my Best Friend by Nicole Weaver
Mature Issues, In Memory of Dad by Maranda Russell

Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.  Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics' highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature.

The Literary Classics judging committee consists of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing.   To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at

I want to thank the CLC for choosing my book and say congratulations to the other winners and the illustrator of Walking Through Walls, Aidana WillowRaven, along with 4RV Publishing. Aidana's illustrations for the children's fantasy middle grade book are amazing.

Please take a minute and check out the Walking Through Walls YouTube Book Trailer




(scroll down to "W")


Walking Through Walls Honored with the Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval

As a 4RV Publishing author, I'm thrilled and honored to announce that Walking Through Walls has been awarded the Children's Literary Classics Seal of Approval! But, this post will also talk a bit about contests.

Literary Classics is an organization dedicated to promoting excellence in literature. Through AWARDS, BOOK REVIEWS, and SEAL OF APPROVAL PROGRAM, the committee helps you sort through the many books in circulation today. It is the CLC’s goal to help you select the finest books available. Additionally, the programs offer opportunities for publishers, authors and illustrators to receive recognition for providing excellence in literature.

This is the second award for my fantasy adventure based on and set in ancient China.In January 2012, Walking Through Walls won 1st Place in the Editors and Predators Readers Poll, in the Children's Novel category!

Walking Through Walls is a middle grade fantasy adventure set in 16th century China. Wang longs to be rich…and powerful. At twelve-years-old, he already knows more about the Eternals and their way of life than many of the adults in his village. Learning about these mystics takes his thoughts away from the possibility of working in the wheat fields all his life, like his father. Wang has far grander goals.

To check out the amazing illustrations done by Aidana WillowRaven, reviews and more information on Walking Through Walls go to:


If you'd like to get your own copy for home or in the classroom (ISBN: 978-0-9826594-7-2), click the link:

4RV Publishing Book Store
Barnes and Noble

You can view the Children's Literary Classics Review of Walking Through Walls at:

Contests and Exposure

I recently had a guest post on my site by award-winning and multi-published (80+) author Nancy Sanders. Working with her publicists and publishers, she learned a thing or two about generating exposure for her books, and one great way to do this is through contests.

Obviously, each author will need to determine their individual marketing budget and see if contests can have an allotted amount, but even if you’re on a tight budget, there are things you can do to generate visibility.

Nancy suggests first making a list of those award sites you’d like to submit to, keeping the free ones up first. Then, follow the guidelines of each and enter you book.

Try to keep in mind that it’s not necessarily about winning. Nancy advises that just getting your book “in the hands of judges” is important in itself. Many of the judges are important people in their own literary circles.

To find out more of what Nancy has to say on entering contests go to:

You can also check out Nancy’s site for even more information:

Since, I think contests are an important promotional and visibility tool, I allotted as much as I could to enter those contests I thought would make a difference. Contests I entered the end of last year include:

Boston Globe Horn Books Award (No fee, 3 books)

SCBWI Golden Kite Awards (No fee, 4 books)

Newbery Medal (No fee, 2 books)

IRA Children’s and Young Adult’s Book Awards (No fee, 1 book)
International Reading Association

The Eric Hoffer Award ($50, 1 book)

USA 2012 Book Awards ($69, 1 book)

Children’s Literary Classics ($95, 3 books)

Notice that the first four award contests have NO fee. You can definitely be a cost-conscious marketer. And, again, whether you win no awards, one, two, or three awards, it’s the exposure and having the book seen by influential people that’s as important as winning.

Just a side note: I recently spoke with a librarian and she mentioned that the Newbery award is one of the ‘biggies.’ After that would come the state awards. So, take a bit of time and look into these awards . . . you never know.

Additional Reading:

Writing Children’s Books – Genre Differences
Keep Your Writing Goals Front and Center 
Children’s Writing and Publishing: The Traditional Path PART 1
Writing a Fiction Story: Walking Through Walls Backstory

Until next time,

Karen Cioffi
Award Winning Author, Freelance/Ghostwriter, Editor, Marketer

Check out Karen’s eBooks at:

Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing
DKV Writing 4 U (children’s author site)


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