Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing: Writing Fiction for Children – Character Believabi...

Interesting is that this came to my email right after I finished visiting with Mr. Hughes' class and the topic today was "Get Real".  Probably means my karma is up or the stars are shining where they're supposed to be or the planets are aligned as this is the second thing today that has been hopefully useful information for the folks I've passed the information to - E ;)

(no reposts count as far as comments for the bookworm on my blog)

Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing: Writing Fiction for Children – Character Believabi...: Writing Fiction for Children – Character Believability and Conflict Writing in general is a tough craft, although many may not think so. Th...

1 comment:

Shirley Corder said...

Okay. Who is Mr. Hughes? One of your characters? If so that's really funny.

How Dickens Made a Word for Himself and Became Known for “Messiness"

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