So You Want to be a Writer.....?

So, you want to be a writer... and let me say it is a wonderful person to be. But as you dream of your writing career, don't for a minute be blindsided into thinking you will soar to publication without WORK, hard work.

Some of you may be more successful and be quicker at succeeding than others but even J.K. Rowling worked years before becoming successful as did James Patterson, Stephen King, Luanne Rice, and all the others who are now household names.

Here are some of the steps in the process of becoming the writer you want to be and there are very few shortcuts.
  • Learn to write- that includes grammar, spelling, using active verbs, descriptive nouns, and weaving in the five senses- taste, touch, smell, sounds, and seeing everything around your story.
  • Understanding the mystery of publishing- traditional, self-publishing, print on demand, E-books, the whole enchilada.
  • Finding your audience, your niche, and what fresh way you can reach the reader.
  • MARKETING- this is such a big part of being a writer and an underestimated aspect of becoming a success. Learn to market yourself, network, join writing groups and study the business of writing.
  • Blog- get over your fear of blogging because a writer needs a place to get the words they write out to a reading audience. Blogs are the first step in becoming published and it is great place, cost effective, and easy to see your words in print.
  • Write- a writer writes. So while you are honing your craft, learning about publishing, networking, blogging, and handling the business of writing a true writer must WRITE.
The writing life is a wonderful experience where you visit places in your dreams and put those dreams on paper so others ( your audience) can visit as well. You make all kinds of wonderful supportive friends and touch elbows ( even if it only in the cyber world) with famous writers who you dream of emulating. But remember, you cannot soar there on a magic plane without the work it takes to keep the engine running. But those of us who write wouldn't have it any other way.

Terri Forehand
Author of The Cancer Prayer Book and a soon to be released PB titled The ABC's of Cancer According to Lilly Isabella Lane. Blog editor at Stories for Children publishing and author of numerous articles on nursing and health related topics.


Shirley Corder said...

Good points. Thanks Terri. I see you are author of The Cancer Prayer Book and another book on cancer. We must get together as writers. My book, Strength Renewed: Meditations for Your Journey through Breast Cancer is also soon to be released.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I think people don't decide they want to be writers...they just are writers. What they might decide on is being a published writer.

D. Jean Quarles said...

That's true! Well said.

elysabeth said...

All excellent points, Terri. It's a lot of hard work but in the end worth it. Mary Jo, I didn't have a clue that I wanted to write until I entered my first writing contest a few years ago (literally about 6 years ago) and won 2nd place; so I think there are two sides to the coin on that one. Some folks are born writers, have the talent inbred and some of use do something on a dare and find we enjoy it and do well at it. Either way, one must work hard to achieve the goals one sets to become a published author or writer. - E :)

Elysabeth Eldering
Author of Finally Home, a YA paranormal mystery

T. Forehand said...

Thanks for the comments and insight. It is great group of people you meet as a writer, most have the same goal to be published.

Karen Cioffi said...

Terri, great list of steps to becoming a writer. And, you're so right, there are very few, if any, shortcuts. New writers need to learn the ropes and hone their craft.

elysabeth said...

Congratulations, Terri, picked you as the winner of the Earth Day Bookworm. If you will email me at with your mailing address, I'll get this in the mail the first part of the week. E :)

Elysabeth Eldering
Author of Finally Home, a Ya paranormal mystery

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